
Monday, August 28, 2006

teaming of the shrew

I seldom whine about study. Sure I whine about everything else, but when it comes to study - I am on the ball. Emphasis being on I. Throw a couple of strangers into the equation, however, the ball promptly slips from right under me, swerves in every direction, defying all laws of nature.

Nope, nothing like a rare dose of Group Assessment to shed light upon the full extent of my anal-retentiveness. The awakening comes about somewhat as follows:
  • begin with a high basal level of DoOPA (Distruct of Other People's Abilities)
  • add awareness of 1 co-worker's mediocre performance in another subject
  • add repeated rejections of my offers to convene and divvy up workload
  • agitate with 'explanations' given for non-performance: preparing for interviews(!), no internet (like, get out of the effing cave!), classes(!)
and voila! We have a steamin' Crisis at hand.

All my life, fortune-tellers the world over have been telling me (free of charge and 99% of the time unsolicited) that I am destined to be a leader, not a follower. But before I get there, could somebody please surprise me with a splash of dependability (for fear that competence might be too much to ask for)? So that my time could be more profitably invested in attaining positions of power and influence - instead of in CYA (Covering Your Ass)?

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