
Sunday, July 23, 2006


I should say a little about my week at SB, for it may well be my last brush with the legal profession. (4 days 'til close of articles applications, 0 app posted.)

Are comfort and (appearance of) professionalism mutually exclusive? *Rubs blisters on feet caused by prolonged entrapment in not-even-that-high heels*

Office taking up entire level 40 = awesome city views from every angle, including clerks' corner.

Wasn't asked to make coffee or photocopy or shred or do any other chore that I had primed myself to tackle with glee. The most menial jobs I got given were grabbing a couple of cases from WASC library and sorting a pile of exhibits in order of their appearance in an affidavit; even these were enlightening given my formidable ignorance of How Everything Works.

Accommodating colleagues, many of whom offered me something to do.

Stuff I was paid (albeit miserably, which is far beside the point) to look up then pontificate about [health warning: yawn-inducing legal jargon ahead] -

  • whether, in proceedings brought by client against lawyer, communications between lawyer and third-party clients are subject of legal professional privilege
  • income tax implications of a non-testamentary gift of property to a charitable trust which, if a 'deductible gift recipient', would allow donor to avoid UK inheritance tax whilst having his CGT liability completely offset by the deduction
  • how non-fulfilment of vendor's obligation to apply for WAPC approval of subdivision plan impacts on the rest of sale-of-land contract
  • test of causation under Civil Liability Act 2002 (WA), particularly in relation to claims for pure economic loss
  • whether board of directors could rely on shareholders' resolution to issue to them certain options, to authorise issue of same directly to entities controlled by them

Friday arvo drinks in the boardroom, for which the junior staff get to knock off at 4 to shop to their hearts' content, and where Stella's and Beck's flow freely.

And outside office hours -

  • Mulan came to town, and suffered the usual crass corrupting ambience of the Doc, Special K, and yours truly
  • Lunched with Bro and DJ Hotness
  • Buffeted at Hyatt
  • Walked random no-English HK lady from SC Gardens to Centrelink, 'cos I had time and us immigrant dole-bludgers must stick together
  • Fri night collected the Albanyan from airport, and was thereafter treated to Cinnamon Club in Leedy (Indian... yumm) followed by Spanglish (Paz Vega... yummmmm)
  • Yesterday was N and I do the city: picnicked outside GPO, caught last show of A Barrel of Monkeys (hosted by sexy Ruper Everett look-alike), checked out art gallery, window-shopped earrings, tried on shoes, rode on elevators, ... fun times

'Twas an all-round ace week.



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