
Thursday, June 29, 2006


Youth is indeed wasted on the young. All the good in the world waiting to be done, we opted instead for yet another EtOH-drenched night out, Tight-arse Tuesday style.

Some stories were told for the first time. Others revisited for the umpteenth. Resolution is over-rated and ought not be made an end in itself. One must endeavour as often as possible to say a thing just so that it can be heard, even if only by the speaker. Still reeling from the weight of the revelations, or the weight off, but no regrets whatsoever.

Father has returned at last from his adventures abroad, though not before being detained for a thorough Customs clearance which took over an hour. Who can blame Customs, if you could've seen his get-up: leaving aside the assorted canisters of tea leaf in a gigantic plastic bag, the cowboy hat - Hawaiian shirt - leather jacket - baggy pants - lone-travelling middle-aged Asian male combo was enough to turn a few cautious eyes.



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