
Sunday, June 04, 2006

best when least expected

Shell and Tez were the first friends I made at high school, which also makes them among my first friends in Oz. We drifted apart after Yr 10, when Tez left school, and Shell and I enrolled in totally different subjects. Since then we've caught up once or twice a year, doing something distinctly teenager-y even after we became disqualified.

They loved me when I spoke funny English and brought weird lunches and was bewilderingly brainy. They love me today. (Which I don't deserve, but what other kind of love is there?) It's far from an intense consuming we-know-each-other's-every-secret sorta sensation; rather, a part nostalgic part amazed part instinctive knowing.

Just came home from Shell's b'day outing @ Ruby Room, after 4hrs, when I'd only planned to stay for 1. Am achy all over confirming a good time had, even if not of the R-rated variety.

The rest of this post goes out to those of you who lead a more respectable nightlife than I and may therefore be ignorant of certain ways of this world. Read no further if you're feeling sanitary.

  • Doesn't matter how a lady dresses or behaves, some guy will always think he's in with a chance. Moreover, this perceived chance increases materially when boob-tubes, alcohol, girl-on-girl action are involved. (To avoid doubt, tonight I did not wear a boob-tube, but still got pinched and danced-too-close-to a few times.)
  • I have gaydar. Yeah. I register on other people's gaydar. Bugger.
  • Hell on earth = smoker's terrace, especially when your friends' friends are chain-smoking soccer hooligans.
  • It is wonderful partying with realistically proportioned women.
  • It's true: homos make better dancers.
  • Also true: sex-only arrangements are not the exclusive domain of homos.
  • A guy could be clumsy and shy and a non-dancer but if he's also polite and patient the girl he fancies would at least give him the time of day. On the other hand, a girl who's witty and charming and voluptuous and drives a powerful car often gets nowhere with the girls she fancies. Oh the injustices of this world... (Obviously not referring to myself there - so shut up and leave me to sulk.)

Lesson for the day - stay on the straight-&-narrow, and stay home after dark. Mwa!

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