
Sunday, May 21, 2006

a week's some-merry

Fri night

Won't use the usual pseudonyms. 'Tsnot safe; for me. Instead:

NG: gayest-acting straight chic I know ('not gay')

NS: straightest-acting gay chic I know ('not straight')

Can you not appreciate the beautiful symmetry already?

The plan was to get plastered/maggoted/shitfaced (gotta love vernacular), in hope of momentarily reversing the smallness of Life and bigness of Problems. NG started off not as complicit as I'd have liked; until she realised that leisurely sipping white wine in a hectic Northbridge budget-dining establishment was a trend worth starting, even if it meant glares from the owner of said establishment.

Fried ice-cream was followed by a wasteful (for it undid part of that lovingly nurtured intoxication) interlude of fumbling along the Terrace towards the site of the State Squash Championships (NG has diverse interests) - and not remotely making it. Whereupon the substance abuse was resumed at my new fave wine bar.

Now let me digress!

Beware of Asiaphiles. They're everywhere. Luckily they're easy to spot; easier yet when they introduce themselves as such. Yep the singer in the bar (if only he manifested one-tenth of the attributes typically associated with this occupation!). I mean, how much gayer must I dress - ditto NG (recall description at start) - to be spared this nonsense? OK that's not the point, and that's also exactly the point. 2 Azn girls 'on their own' in a bar = open invite = fair game? Like, keep tryin' boys - sooner or later you'll stumble across one in heels and a foul mood. (Lucky for our singer we were neither at the time.)

Enough rant. Later a distressed NS crashed our party-of-2 to find solace in a euphoric and therefore empathetic audience. The conversation rapidly deteriorated to somehow centre around NG's OGTs (Obvious Gay Traits), for which I suspect I was partially responsible but I plead diminished capacity in defence.

In said diminsed capacity a lift by NS was declined and the alternative of waiting 50min for the 1am train jollily taken, notwithstanding that it cost NG and I 2hrs' sleep. Well, dero behaviour is becoming a luxury and ought to be savoured at every opportunity.

Sat day

Woke up to the sounds of children playing. It made me happy; yikes I'm maternal. Get to see a different side of N when she's interacting with people her age, it spins me out. I'm excited for her, being a kid and all. I'm also reminded to not overdo the Missing Childhood line; I too have had my fair share of fun.

Sat night

Bro's housemate's birthday party at their house. So many Mormons, so little alcohol. *sigh* I was introduced to everyone as Bro's wife. Not in a closeted way! More in a mocking-the-institution-of-marriage way... no that's not it either. We are practically married. We rock as a couple. When we have enough affluent acquaintances between us to make the ordeal profitable, we'll 'throw a wedding'. Consider yourselves put on notice.



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