
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

mid-week excursion

Time is like cleavage, squeeze and you'll have some.
Just had to share that choice line with y'all.
The day started off badly: a 6pm Procedure tute with hopeless presenters and a tutor who hadn't read my paper and therefore presumed I was in my usual clueless form (which presumption, however, was well-founded given my stunning displays of ignorance to date).
But then I decided, gladly in retrospect, to do what a sizeable portion of Australia would've done this evening: watch the Green-v-Mundine bout at a pub. Venue - the Melbourne. Cohort - Suga & co, and the Albanyan (whom I dragged along because a. she looked like she could use a drink even if she didn't know this until she'd had it, and b. who else would I root for the ethnic boy with?).
Ahh the Albanyan. To think, this time last year, I was convinced we'd never speak again!
Lovely to meet Suga's friendly good-looking successful all-Azn posse. Much as I relish my one-on-ones, I find myself sporadically envious of people with groups of friends who know each other and enjoy quality group-time.
So next up is dim-sum with her folks, whereupon I shall be officially inducted into Suga Domain! Hohoho... Spreading rumours is fun.

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