
Sunday, April 23, 2006

boys on the side

Out the front, actually. 'Twas Women Only Night (WON) at the Meat Market. All those with Y chromosomes were barred from the courtyard.

Wouldn't've gone but for Cherry's birthday drinks. Ahh the things we do for girls. Even wore makeup (!) and slutty jeans (ripped in a wikid place). Unfortunately, by the time I got there (11pm) she'd drunk to a state of contented oblivion, and my decent sensible side took hold and quelled any compulsion to seduce. Who am I kidding, there's something, and it ain't goin' nowhere.

Turned out to be a great night all the same! Suga and Foxxy (S&F - as yet unofficial but what the heck) are always fun to hang out with and tease the crap out of. Also met E, Suga's very own boy minion - an absolute riot, and roughly (no pun intended) her male equivalent. Of all the nights he could've chosen to make his comeback onto the Market... (To eliminate confusion, boys and/or those ideologically opposed to the concept of WON were confined to the indoors area, so it wasn't like E had to cross-dress to sneak in.)

People I didn't expect to see / who didn't expect to see me:

  • Ex of Nobel-Laureate-to-be (NL2b) / current of ex-pal and Prime-Minister-to-be (PM2b). She claimed to swing occasionally but I could tell she was just another garden-variety hetero dag. *g* Still, we moved some dirty for the ladies. Can't wait to hear PM2b's reaction when I'm finally outed. It'll be simply delicious.
  • S, sister of Cat (my adopted sister). I knew about S (who didn't?), but Cat hasn't told her about me. S and I were friends in Year 9, then she became troubled (not referring to the fence jumping - that came much later) and drifted away.
  • V, Honours comrade. She seemed slightly rattled to be spotted at such establishment, even though her bf was with her, and stressed that they came to support a friend. *rolls eyes*

Fuck-me outfit was sending out wrong signals (or rather, right signals in wrong directions), so I stayed close to my crew. Bad move! They loaded me up with champagne (so nice not having to drive) then let me loose. Lucky I had ample self-restraint... Well, not really. All it took was residual clarity of mind to perceive the ferality abound, to not want to partake therein.

Admittedly it's been a looong time since I got this tipsy. But I played it up a bit to excuse bad behaviour. What a hideous cliche I've become.

Oh I did spot one hottie, whom I bummed a light off. (Chill folks - queer as I am, I haven't taken up smoking. Was only helping out S&F who were busy with you-can-guess-what.)

Afterwards, McHappy Meal in hand, we headed to Foxxy's for a brief recovery session. A very trashed E continued to blab about his priest bf and his trophies for the night (too vulgar to repeat even here). I continued to apologise repeatedly to S&F for myself and E. Poor things.

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