
Sunday, April 16, 2006

good Good Friday

- getting 5 hours' sleep over two days
- doing the boys' washing
- straining to keep mum away from my homo-ies
- nursing a thoroughly wasted Yes

Thursday night a very wound-up Suga Babe came over for a drink, which turned into yet another deep-and-meaningful about the 'complexity of being Asian and gay'. We are very much enjoying each other's company. This surprised me initially because it seemed that apart from the Asianness and the gayness, we couldn't be more different. Turns out that was only my lousy first-impression-forming faculty playing up.

She ended up crashing in my bed (while I took to the sofa, mind you). Her alarm went off at 5.30am (then at 6, 6.30, 7) - the woman never rests! So the D&M continued with us snuggling up on the sofa. At one point she insisted that I examine closely her perfect legs - the woman is Narcissus-reincarnate! Albeit consciously so, which I suppose is a bit less bad not to mention funnier.

Later in the morning, after much pleasure-free contact with men's underwear (see above), I went to see Yes. A rare treat, given that she works 40+ hrs/wk at the Sunflower, on top of full-time uni and traveling by public transport. Breaks my heart.

A wander in KP and a pizza on the curb later, I took Yes home as a surprise for N who, as you know, is thrifty with her affection but makes quite an exception for Yes. For the rest of the afternoon I happily delegated all sisterly duties and played in the kitchen instead.

Dinner was DIY Vietnamese ricepaper rolls. Major success. I invited Bro, in an effort to dispel (or fuel? oh who cares...) the highly elaborate affair between him and me which mother has extrapolated with her mighty imagination. 'Twas as big an Easter gathering as our home has ever seen, with the boys practising their obscenities-around-the-world at one end of the table, N flitting around making rolls for mum and herself, and Bro Yes and I doing our best to be cryptic with uncompromising vulgarity.

After the feed things started to go downhill. Yes passed around the champers she brought. Bro implored me to sing for/with him while he worked his self-taught-virtuoso magic over the keyboard. Unfortunately, my sheet music collection consisted largely of pitiful lamentations of loves unrequited and/or lost. Suffice it to say that some among us gave in to thinking about precisely the wrong things/people. Before long Bro was belting it out with moist eyes while Yes crouched silently in a corner sipping on a red (fast drinker, that one). I did my best to reassure C (19yo friend-of-an-old-friend, visiting from next street up) that not everyone grows up to be a loon like those two, washed up, made dessert, etc., whilst inside I too was going a bit lala. Mine is a seriously disturbed family.

As mum and N prepared to retire for the night, HM2 (Husband Material No. 2; for Bro will forever be No. 1) was summoned to the after-party. [An aside: how incestuous must I appear to the unsuspecting browser-by, all this talk of 'me and my Bro'.] Even though he and Bro would probably bid premature farewell on the path-to-coupledom, I couldn't help but request that they behave themselves in my room - into which mum tends to wander at will - and felt like an enormous prude for doing so. Later HM2, the sweetheart that he was, was given the third degree by my re-emerged mother. Bless him.

That's all folks. The only bits omitted are the hurling and cleaning and nursing which you'll agree are best left that way.

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