
Saturday, April 22, 2006

weekend again

And I haven't earned it.

My scarce movements this week:

N got her ears pierced on Wednesday. An autonomous decision met with little maternal resistance. I, on the other hand, experienced some distress. Thankfully procedure was by-the-book, no nasty reactions so far. But it wasn't just that - before we know it she'll be asking for a car (or worse, a motorcycle) and her bf to stay over (or worse, her gf). Woah talk about a bad case of vicarious growing pains.

Wednesday night: Indian-themed cook-up at the Albanyan's shared house. She and I have most heartily welcomed each other back into our respective lives. We're so good together (not in an exchanging-bodily-fluids kinda way!) it's a crime to stay apart. Couple of her housemates joined us for the feast in their backyard. A quinessential Australian experience, save for the stimulating conversation. *dodges assaults by the patriots among you*

My thriving match-making career: Bro and HM2, Suga and Foxxy. Not bad huh. All beautiful people who deserve TLC. *breaks into song (what about me, it isn't fair, ...)* - jk!

Hit the shops yesterday morning, to gather bits for a present, which entailed considerable wandering around. Now not just any occasion could force me to confront - let alone so extensively - my great, permanent and indiscriminate loathing of shopping complexes. *wink*

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