
Thursday, May 18, 2006


Moments like this, I forget why it is that I think I can walk away anytime I want.

The picture is perhaps best painted in numbers.

Upshot of his latest business venture, as it affects our home loan:
  • 47% increase in the balance owing,
  • 37% increase in the minimum fortnightly repayment,
  • which translates to 250% of the additional loan being repaid over the entire loan period

The damn thing will need to average 10% p.a. net return over the next 30 years to break-even. And nobody, even in the monstrous Chn economy, makes that kind of profit on a capital outlay measly as this. But of course, I'm all for being contradicted on this point by concrete fact.


  • Mum may need to look for paid work shortly in order to continue receiving Centrelink parenting allowance => she doesn't want to => I don't want her to, she has enough on her plate as is => methinks some ingenious income tax reporting under my guidance is called for.
  • One of our lodgers (the Macau money-pit) moved out yesterday => amidst the celebrations we're alert to the fact that the B&B is now operating at only 2/3 capacity.
  • 2.5-day working weeks for dad don't appear to be subject to review => buggered if I know how to coax him into further gainful employment.
  • 30yr loan vs. 15 employable years left of the parentals => gee I wonder who'll put their hand up to cover the remaining period? Any takers?

Moments like this, I can but (pretend to) be a mercenary.

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