
Monday, November 06, 2006

she said it better

A dash of lost-in-translation, in honour of my latest object-of-infatuation.

Self * 陈绮贞 Self * Chen Qizhen
几次 悔过 掩埋狂妄的恶魔 a few times, repented, buried the insolent demons
感觉却好像毁弃善良的自我 yet it felt like abandoning the good me
几次 脆弱 掩饰 不甘的示弱 a few times, weak, would not show vulnerability
这就是我 this is me
再说 我也不特别渴求永久 besides, it's not as if I particularly yearn for forever
其实 我也无法忠于单一感受 to be honest, nor could I stick with feeling any one way
静止了 沉溺了 无声的灭绝 stilled, drowned, silent annihilation
晕眩 giddy
是我拒绝你已清醒的双眼 it was me that rejected your sober eyes
是我召唤你眼底的错觉 it was me that brought on your misconceptions
就让我用力砸碎轻声的诺言 just let me smash to bits the muffled promises
拥抱瞬间 embrace the moment
是我用真实的编造了谎言 it was me that spun lies out of truths
也是我用残破的猜测这世界 it was me that projected brokenness onto the world
就让我回应你已失序的狂野 just let me reciprocate your jumbled temerity
虚伪瞬间 pretend for the moment
是我 it's me
是我用真实的编造了谎言 it was me that spun lies out of truths
就算我用残破的证实这世界 even if I prove the brokenness of this world
再一次让我尝尽犯错的甜美 let me savour once more the sweetness of mistakes
甜美瞬间 sweet moment
是你带我经过纯洁的瞬间 it was you that took me through that pure moment
无悔无邪 no regrets, innocent

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