
Monday, October 23, 2006


Not as in, Alcoholics Anonymous. Because I don't have a drinking problem. <= which could just mean that I've yet to complete Step 1

Nor is this about things that run on AA batteries, as much fun as some of these are to talk about (as well as, of course, to operate).

I am, instead, referring to Affirmative Action. Euphemistic or not, counterproductive or not, to me it is something to be avoided like a plague. As the vice-principal's kid who survived the entire 6 yrs of primary school at the mercy of her mother's archrival, the ESL-eligible 'new arrival' who opted to top English Lit, the delivery girl who fought the boys for the blacklisted addresses, I've always played fair the only way that I know how.

So when it occurs to me that maybe what got me over the line in recent prospecting activities, was the interesting CV or the unusual degree combo or the 'international dimension' (it's okay I'm cringing as I type this; some modesty remains) or even just the second X chromosome, tiny chills throttle up and down my spine.



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