
Friday, October 06, 2006

moon, cake, time

Happy mid-"autumn" darlings. It's like, the Chinese Christmas, with nicer weather, yummier food, and more things to do. At least in China, back in the days, it was. Oh I nostalgiate.

Every year on this day CCTV puts on a celebratory extravaganza for all to ogle at Middle Kingdom's economic, cultural, and pyrotechnic prowess. Homesick as I get, I get sucked in every time even if it means subjecting myself to more communist propaganda in one sitting than the rest of the year combined.

This year the show's held in Xiamen. Barely a few seconds in, I was going to pieces. My city is really pretty, people! Quite apart from the no-expenses-spared fireworks and insane festive lighting. I don't do Descriptive so you'll have to go see it for yourselves one day.

Somebody thought it'd be fun to put a White Grand Piano on the beach of Gulangyu aka 'Drumming Waves Island' - not the sandy part, but on a tiny platform raised from the sea - and have a beautiful young couple play a duet on it. Can I just say, hott! (Now don't go pinchin' the idea for your wedding; I saw it first!)

And of course, my heart melted to the Sounds of My Childhood. The perennial classics that no remotely Chn person could possibly love-less-than-whole-heartedly - mostly to do with the moon, family, belonging, drifting, and not being able to have the cake & eat it too. The theme songs of Taiwanese soap operas (which mum used to let me stay up and watch with her, and which nourished the sentimental over-dramatic members of my multiple personalities) - performed by the original artists. The boy band I and every other girl at primary school adored (ahh even I fit in once) - fascinating to see the young adults in the audience tonight singing along word-perfect to their medley.



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