
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

zest and tang

If gayness were sand, Liberace would be the subcontinents of Africa and Asia combined. Except not colonised by the British. ... Well, maybe sometimes.
Fishbulb, one of ma' homies from da hood, explaining Liberace's sexual orientation to his mother

Some people hang out with the old and/or frail. Others head to the nearest soup kitchen. And where do I go for a bit of good ol'-fashioned pro bono? A shady Azn joint, duh. A surer thing the universe knows not.

'tsnot bad actually. Informal and informative. Being (nearly) as competent as anyone there helps; although that's probably not much of a compliment to my colleagues. Suggestion for making the most of one's time clerking anywhere: whenever asked to do photocopying etc. - even if by a handsome polite young gent (only problem: still lives with parents), surround oneself with random paper piles and type/scribble furiously (e.g. one's memoirs or uni assignments).

Apart from the receptionist and the AC - Zeus knows how they cope - everyone communicates in a whirlwind of mixed Azn dialects interspersed with some occasional English. One gal had Jay Chou's latest album in the background all day including while dictating client correspondence. Kinda takes me back to the days of Dim Sum Dungeon, Sunflower (and undergrad Pharm lectures, come to think of it). Minus the tips and appetising aromas, that is.

They really are getting excellent value for their ... Oh wait, cheapskates. Nevertheless. Among the things achieved in the past 2 days: I single-handedly worked out wtf a Listing Conference Memorandum looks like, drafted one, and filed it in the Mag Ct. Like, that's gotta be worth a handful of billable units, yeah? <= Ugh, listen to myself.

Meanwhile, dig this weather. Everywhere you look is a forgettable painting: crisp edges, easy colours.

D Day tomorrow for my comrades all over this underpopulated supply-grossly-outweighing-demand State. I shall sleep through it (albeit following an all-nighter versus one sexy lecturer's not-so-sexy idea for a mid-term assessment). Yippee! (Really.)

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