
Sunday, October 01, 2006

work product

... as in, the low I stooped to while being bored at work.

Any occasionally-thinking person would not hastily dismiss the proposition that more than 99-point-9-recurring percent of [online] personality tests are total bollocks. But an astute scientist cannot be content with mere intuition. Hence, putting my professional credibility on the line, I am always on the look-out for hard proof.

According to the latest 'test' to which I subjected myself altruistically in the name of Science, my Priorities In Life are:
1. Pride (tiger)
2. Family (horse)
3. Money (pig)
4. Career (cow)
5. Love (sheep)
This result is consistent with what I set out to demonstrate, in so far as:
  • Not the most sophisticated or rigorous analysis, deriving the ranking based on the test-taker's relative liking of 5 quadruped mammals. [highlight list to see the corresponding animals]
  • Where is, say, Food/Friendship/Fun/World Peace on the list? Heh, heh?
  • Family makes it as high as runner-up? Oi I did not want to know that.
  • Money before Career - how would that work exactly? Unless the test was psychic or otherwise learned of my secret aspirations in the Chn mafia.
  • And what's up with Pride coming 1st and Love last? I mean, didn't it hear about what I've been up to all this year?
On second thought, probably not the most compelling anecdotal evidence with which to support my case. The ranking might not reflect my preferences, but it could well be a foretelling of my destiny. Doh.



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