
Thursday, November 02, 2006

________ (insert profanity)

~ @ $ ^ * ) ! # % & ( ... wonderful ... fantastic ... juuurrst great. It's Thursday.

I don't want to give the false impression of a history of animosity between me and Thursdays. I quite like the majority of them, in fact. Mid-week drinks, extended retail hours, day-before-the-day-before-the-weekend-ness; no complaints there. But this Thursday? It is really hurting my feelings. By not being Wednesday. And this only dawned on me at 1.45pm (yes pm), as I was getting ready for bed. So y'all can appreciate my distress.

My ingenious plot to attain world domination (through first dominating exams, which is in turn only achieved after intense tireless admirable preparation) has spectacularly backfired on me. I lost a day. Not merely by the more widely used method of arsing-around-procrastinating (though there's been a fair bit of that too). Moreover, through pure inexcusable miscalculation.

Well, almost inexcusable. I blame:
  • the meal- / sleep-skipping, which 'lengthened' individual 'days' but reduced them in number;
  • lack of superficial social interaction during which the useful topics of Weather, Day-of-Week, Count-down to Looming Exams, etc. would've been thoroughly explored; and
  • all the amazing innovative features of my state-of-the-art (albeit Made-in-China) laptop which have desensitised me to that tiny unremarkable ticking box in the bottom right corner of the screen.
I'm so sorry second-in-line Mining & Energy: I'm afraid I shall fail you once again.



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