
Friday, November 17, 2006

rock candy

My life rocks. I don't care how bipolar this makes me sound - given my usual deadpan style. And it doesn't just rock at the moment, or because of anything. It rocks always (only too often unacknowledged), for no apparent reason, and so hard that it is inexplicable to as firm a believer-in-the-randomness-of-everything (BITROET, pronounced like "beetroot") as me. But someone else can do the explicating, since I'm busy exploiting, the rockingness.

And for that, there's never been a better time than now. It is the first holiday ever which will not feature:
- More School looming at the other end; and
- organising finances for year ahead and/or stressing about my inability to do so.

Day 4 and already I am detoxed and unscrambled and rejuvenated and more.


Post-apocalypse walk along the campus foreshore to let it all start to sink in. Mutual congratulations abounded - with comrades passing by, via phone, or only in thought.

Ran into almost-there Albanyan, who coaxed me (and not for the 1st time) into bemoaning in unison with her the lack of romance in our lives. "It is the only thing missing", whimpered 2 of the most intelligent independent interesting women I know. *sigh*

Dined with Dr P and her lover @ the Vic in Subi, where I did my best normal-person impersonation in pursuance of candidature as feasible cohabitant. Alert as I am to the risks of sharing a roof with a friend, my logic is this: if I can't put up with her / she can't put up with me - what hope have I with anyone else? (We'll talk more about this, pardner.)


Apart from earlier-mentioned dim sum extravaganza, day was taken up by
- preliminary steps toward making my room inhabitable again
- guitar, my long-neglected secret passion (to say nothing of my aptitude)

Beered with Suga @ the Norfolk in Freo, where reasons of
better-off-as-friends were re-enumerated. Just 'cos a topic has been done to death, doesn't mean it can't still be the catalyst for shallow bigoted carefree fun on demand. One day all this (claimed) maturity realisticism level-headedness will bite me on the ass and not in an enjoyable way.

Wed & Thu

More highly therapeutic cleaning and guitar playing. Plus bike-riding reading swimming TV, all of which my dwindling time managment skills have been denying me for far too long.

DD Monster continued to wreak havoc, luring me into:
- accompanying mum to the doctor's / shops
- laundrying
- the kitchen

Some beaching had also been scheduled, but weather yesterday was uncooperative. So Lotus and I ended up in Freo, trying on dresses. Yes dresses. Lucky for everyone said item was not in my pre-trip budget so you're all spared, but only until maybe post-Xmas sales hohoho.


Finally visited Shell and Tez @ their place, after much incompetent friending on my part. One of the more respectable share-houses I've come across, and definitely liveable - so there might be hope for me after all! T fed us a hearty meal out of a 1970s Women's Weekly recipe book. Then it was time to put up the Xmas tree (no such thing as "too early"!) while we updated h-school gossip (pregnancies, births, weddings, break-ups, criminal convictions, extreme-makeovers, momentary-slips-in-judgment, and so forth). T's 5yo CJ had the beautifulest eyes, as well as possibly the most comprehensive and sustained exposure to naughty words in the greater metropolitan region.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

according to Mulan:
I'm pretty bemused by [Dr P] and co sharing a house...have you thought of the down sides? No more Monday night Grey's anatomy telephone dissections, no more dial-in counseling service. It'll all be face to face. Actually, I reckon that's probably the least warped idea you guys have- it'll be easier to track you down at least. But no, what about [N]???

6:44 pm  

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