
Sunday, February 18, 2007

three little pigs

Welcome to another year of Me and all Piglets out there!

Of the few remaining ways in which I can be said to be Chinese, my fervour for CNY and the inexplicable rituals it entails is one. It is a time I've never wanted to spend away from family; the handful of times when I had to, were categorically unenjoyed.

Today I drove for hours, all over town, in the rain, to gather ingredients for our feast tonight. In between there was Charlie & the Chocolate Factory with N while next door mum worked her kitchen magic that filled a house with the music of Home. After dinner we collapsed across our palatial-yet-unergonomic lounge suite and watched some people sing no-expense-spared praise to the Motherland, some others pontificate the meanings of CNY, and others still poke occasionally-successful-and-always-PC fun at things which the Administration deems appropriate to poke fun at. Doesn't sound like the best possible night in? It is actually one of those debilitating habits out of which I've been neither able nor willing to break.

Of course it's not just about the food. Nobody I know has had to wait 'til NYE to have any particular food - at least not since 1979. It isn't about the company either: the four of us eat together often enough. And with each passing year I am in direct contact with the rellies in China a little less - more out of 'distance' than disinterest. So really, I forget the bases upon which I nostalgiate, yet again.

It is said that each year corresponding to one's horoscope holds trials and revelations unrivalled by any seen in the other years. I'm not inclined to argue with conventional wisdom nor with cold hard facts. The first little piggy brought me into this world. The second little piggy brought me to this continent. The third little piggy will hopefully bring me to into a nice suburb, or the arms of a beautiful person, or both. If I promise to be a good little piggy and avoid making major decisions all year, in accordance with witch-doctors' advice, surely that isn't too much to ask?

Didn't get around to buying bright red undies for the festivities (as any respectable oinker would've done), but I did remember yesterday morning to put on the only clean red ones I could find. Never hurts to err on the safe side!


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