
Sunday, December 24, 2006

local motion

Well thank fudge that hideous last post no longer tops this page.

Hey kids, momma's back, and we goin' jerk this thang back to life. But Egypt can wait; trash can't. So...

When I agreed to go with xs_nrg (formerly AGE, which I'm scrapping because ... I can) to see "this Kylie [Minogue] impersonator" at the Court, I wasn't expecting much - a drag queen, a few dancers on the Court's regular staff. It turned out to be fabuloso:

  • the only drag queens attending were in the audience
  • "Kylie" actually looked and sounded like Kylie - maybe a cross between Kylie and one of them blonde chicks from Hi5
  • the wardrobe was a decent imitation of the real deal, and even though the gusts messed the feathered headresses about, the multi-directional Marilyn Monroe effect on the rest of the ensemble somehow made up for it
  • oh the dancers: I'll be your red blooded woman any day (unless "Kylie" snaps me up first)
  • you know you've gone beyond being Fag Hag royalty and started tapping into the Collective Queer Consciousness when even the "obvious" lesbians are dancing/singing along, so care- and angst-free
Like, is it even humanly possible to not like Kylie. xs-nrg, having just seen her in concert, commented that "Kylie" tonight looked more Kylie than Kylie did at the concert (presumably alluding to her health issues). *sighs* Anyway, "Kylie" will be back on NY Eve on the big stage in Nthbridge - check it out if you're around!

Other notable events since arriving in Perth:
  • Pharm end-of-year BBQ at Beaton Park. Said goodbye to my favourite admin ladies *sobs* they were good to me. Brought N, whom the Stalker tried to establish a rapport with... fuckwit. *death glare*
  • Took N the hell outta there, onto KP's playground for a bit, easing ourselves back into Sisterly Mode.
  • Folks took us to dinner at their fave Chn eatery - this tiny crowded uncomfortable place complete with sticky tables, chipped cutlery, and impolite staff; i.e. the best kinda Chn to be had in Perth! Ahh bless our fishhead-loving souls.

  • Lab end-of-year lunch at Galileo in Shenton Park. Overpriced food and self-imposed drinking ban made for a less than satisfying meal, but the company was worth it. When I leaned in to give the Hard-Boiled Egg a kiss/hug combo greeting, in my cleavage-revealing black top, (neither the greeting nor the cleavage having ever been inflicted upon anyone inside the lab,) I think he had a panic/heart attack; as did PH my supervisor/boss sitting next to him and witnessing the anomaly. Secret Santa (Danish style?) took place. I drew a set of frickin' gift bags. Oh the mocking symbolism: I get the Gift of Giving. *rolls eyes* And as the rose wine went down, so did the filters, and nobody did a terribly stunning job of promoting Careers in Research to the newcomers.
  • At times aforementioned top (and other similar attire) make me feel guiltily unfeminist and disconcertingly heterosexual. Because bit-of-alright guys (like the dude selling seafood from a van parked near uni) might say "Are you Thai?" / "Gotta love a powerful woman who loves seafood." / ... ; and I can't help but enjoy the banter whilst grossing out on the inside.


  • Late afternoon BBQ with Lotus and Liis at Coode St jetty. The stunning summer riverside daylight-saved evening triggered "Perth moments" left right and centre. If home is where the heart is, I've been thoroughly Perthified. Brief discussion went on about travelling and/or buying property together in the immediate future. As if I haven't enough on my plate right now. Adulthood blows.


  • Special K had us (Mulan, the Doc, their school friend C) over for lunch. We'll be neighbours soon. It was comforting to know that there'll be at least one place of refuge in unforeseen events :p
  • ...
Merry Christmas loves. Next up will probably be yet another alarmist melodramatic rant about how much shit has hit the fan - from which I shall try to refrain until after the festive season.
